When I Love You

When you run into a wall
When you trip, stumble, and fall
When you know you can't get back up
But still you will never give up

When you fall asleep on the phone
When your scared to be alone
When you ask for me to hold you tight
Even after we have been in a fight

When you get quiet because you dont know what to say
When your quiet baby i love you anyway
When you stare into my eyes
Even when you make me cry

When you get in your baby voice
You make me give in without a choice
When you have that sad puppy face
When i know no one can take your place

When you yell at me but have no clue
How much im in love with you
When you think your not the best
Even though i know your better than the rest

When you look down on yourself and have no clue
That every single one of these reasons is why i love you
The way you look, the way you talk, and even the way you act
Even the silly things you say as a matter of fact

Thats when i love you with all i have
When no matter what you do im glad
Glad to have you in my life
Knowing your the only thing that keeps me alive

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