Sweet Dreams

Last night I dreamt,
That you were by my side.
Your arms circled me,
And you were looking into my eyes.
You said all the things,
That you used to say...
Promising you'd always be there,
That you'd never go away.
Your lips brushed mine,
And it felt so real.
Things were finally back to normal...
I was as happy as I used to feel.
Then, the dream faded,
And I was alone and cold in my bed,
Trying to hold onto the dream...
To remember everything that you said.
But it was no use,
Forgetting was like dying.
And I realized as I felt my damp cheeks,
In my sleep, I had been crying.
But just like every other time,
I had that sad, sweet dream,
There was one image I didn't forget,
And never will it seems.
The image of your loving eyes,
Shining clear and bright,
The eyes that used to convince me,
That everything would be alright.

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