I Miss You

We used to be such good friends
He would call me all the time
We could talk on the phone for hours
But he wanted a girlfriend
He wanted to be with me so bad
That?s not what I was looking for?
So I told him
We still talk every now and again
But we aren?t even half as close as we used to be
I miss our long talks
I miss his pretty blue eyes looking at me so deeply
I miss the way he would find little secretive ways to say?
I love you
He never knew that I always caught on
I miss the way he would call me beautiful
I miss how I could talk to him about anything and everything
I miss the way we could just look at each other and know everything was ok
I miss sitting on the couch watching his crazy war movies
I miss his soft lips and the way I could feel him smiling when we kissed
Most of all I miss him
But he doesn?t want me anymore
He?s moved on
I want what I can?t have and it hurts so bad
It hurts to know that I could have had him
I could be with him right now
There are so many things in life that I am going to regret doing
But it's a million times worse having to regret NOT doing something
I miss him so much and I would do anything to be with him right now.

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