Come Back To Me

It's cold without you.
My heart is aching.
Your silence is killing me.
"It's over" you say..
Your words have hurt me deep within.
I don't comprehend, I am lost.
It's after midnight, in our bed I sit alone.
My eyes are filled with tears,
My mind full of fears.
The one I truly love is gone.
In my heart, your arms is where I belong.
All could be fixed with a talk
but it was you who decided to walk.
I know you love me and that you stll care...
But god dammit, why aren't you here?
I love you...
You know that I do.
forever is how long I want to be with you.
Please come back to me..
I want us together.
I don't want to lose you now.
Not ever.

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